This Compact with the Community is my promise to Rochester, built on a foundation of trust, transparency and accountability. I will always be forthright, accessible, and will lead with partnership and inclusion.
Not since the Civil Rights Era have we seen this level of political engagement in our community. Everyday Rochesterians are demanding change, equity and accountability. Rochester is poised to be a national leader, but we must first heal our wounds and recognize our past failures. Only then can we begin creating innovative and thoughtful policies that move our City forward by building bridges and strengthening communities.
If Rochester is to reach its full potential, every resident must trust that their elected officials have their best interests at heart. Rochesterians have lost their trust in City Hall, a building that once welcomed discourse and ideas, has been boarded up for months. Until our residents know that someone is listening, we won’t be able to take down those boards and invest in our community.
This Compact puts the needs of our residents first, invests in our partnerships, and offers a path to a new future for Rochester. It is a living and evolving document that recognizes we are stronger when we work together and focus on policy instead of politics.
In serving our community for more than 20 years, I’ve heard the same call from every corner of our city. We need more jobs that pay a livable wage, neighborhoods that thrive, to rebuild trust in government and public safety, and a plan for holistic and systemic support for individuals and families as we reopen Rochester in 2021.