A good paying job can have a tremendous impact on an individual or family, that goes well beyond financial security and being able to pay your bills. Jobs are transformative; when people are stabilized and don’t have to worry about paying their rent or where their next meal is coming from they can thrive rather than merely survive. The impact of financial sustainability that comes from a good job allows neighborhoods to thrive because people can invest in homes of their own. Individuals thrive because they have less stress and better mental and physical health. Children thrive because they don’t feel the stress of the home, and can focus on school, play, and just being a kid. As Mayor, Malik will:
“A trained, knowledgeable, and dedicated workforce that is hungry for opportunity will allow us to recruit, retain, and grow industry in Rochester. But we must be realistic, in order to grow our economy we must heal the pain in our City. This last year Rochester has been in the national spotlight multiple times, and not for good reasons. Our community has suffered from police brutality, the killing of an unarmed civilian, and allegations of political corruption. If businesses are flooded with this negative picture of Rochester, they become harder for our region to attract. We need a bold change in leadership that invites people to the table. A Mayor that is not only open and transparent, but willing to listen, collaborate, and grow our community together.”
Malik Evans
Our workforce has been changing for years, and while business giants like Eastman Kodak, Xerox, and Bausch and Lomb, still play a vital role, they are not the major employers they once were. Malik believes that Rochesterians have an opportunity to harness the research, development, and educational institutions in our community to develop middle skill job training programs that will make our residents more competitive in the modern economy. In order to do this we must work with business leaders and local colleges and universities to ensure that we develop a workforce that can take on the needs of industry. We must also partner with Labor and the trades to foster and grow their already successful training programs and create career pathways in the trades.
“I know that the government cannot do everything, nor should it. My experience working with grant funding institutions and more than 20 plus years serving on community boards has shown me that we have many amazing institutions and resources in our community already. Rather than reinvent programs that already exist, we should be supporting those that are already effective and helping them grow. Building our communities is not about who gets the credit, it’s about doing the work.”
Malik Evans
It is often said Rochester is resource rich and results poor. We must find ways to collaborate and harness the collective power of public private partnerships. That is why Malik is proposing that the City work together with the local philanthropic community to create Community Collaborator positions that act as a bridge to link community assets. These Community Collaborators can specialize in focus areas and work to link programs and services across agencies. Malik believes we must invest in our successful job training programs, partner with trade unions, and work together, especially as we begin to reopen Rochester in 2021.
“Early in my career I worked with local advocates to help provide free checking and savings accounts to underbanked communities. I work with fledgling entrepreneurs everyday, who have big dreams that if supported will grow our local workforce. We are a community of ideas, with brilliant minds changing the future of technology, talented artists, chefs, and trades people looking to expand their businesses, and we must do everything we can to support them.”
Malik Evans
Malik believes that we must invest in small businesses and micro-business as an essential part of our economy. Many micro-businesses are Black and Brown owned; they hire directly from the community and the people they employ keep money in our local economy. If we can work to expand employment in small businesses even by one or two jobs, we will see our local economy transform. Malik wants to see innovative solutions in Rochester that incubate and support businesses,expand access to low-cost high speed broadband, provide financial support to businesses struggling during the pandemic, and provide education and guidance on starting a business.
“I remember my first job working in City Recreation, I worked with other young people in Recreation Centers all over the City from South Avenue to Genesee Valley Park to Campbell Street. Youth employment provides young people with a sense of responsibility and focus. We need to make sure that we expand youth employment and provide every opportunity to our city’s children to grow and develop.”
Malik Evans
Malik knows the key to future success is investing in our children and youth, by providing them with employment opportunities. Malik wants to expand programs like Summer of Opportunity and look toward creating and supporting job programs for youth that operate year round.
“As a banker for 20 years who has always put the financial wellbeing of the people of our community first, I have seen time and time again that a single emergency expense like a car breakdown or a death in the family can derail job stability, dreams of entrepreneurship, and even housing. I also know solutions that work to protect against these setbacks. I have helped to implement innovative solutions through partnerships with banks, credit unions, philanthropy and service organizations that get emergency funds and support directly to those who need it, when they need it.”
Malik Evans
Malik has 20 years of professional experience serving the financial needs of the people of Rochester. Our community faces tremendous uncertainty in the coming years, from questions of how to endure and recover from the COVID19 pandemic to how to raise a family in a gig economy or with an uncertain job market. As Mayor, Malik will bring partners to the table from county and city government, business, and community organizations that share a commitment to financial security for all Rochester households. Together we will harness the resources required to establish a strong financial foundation that Rochesterians can count on.
“Whether it’s working for an existing organization or launching your own company, a good career goes well beyond paying the bills and putting food on the table. Jobs and financial security address the root causes of so many challenges we face, from improving mental health, to stabilizing neighborhoods, to reducing crime. Everyone deserves meaningful work and the opportunity for a better life.”
Malik Evans
Malik Evans will take a number of steps to grow the availability of good jobs and business opportunities:
1. Expand job training and placement efforts, including his Youth2Work program, to improve the skills of our workforce and attract employers.
2. Support entrepreneurs and small businesses by helping them navigate challenges like regulations, payroll, and financing, so they can focus on what they do best.
3. Collaborate with business, labor unions, and educational institutions to build the next generation workforce in advanced manufacturing and skilled trades.
4. Grow and support Rochester’s creative and service sectors, including artists, performance venues, and food and hospitality businesses.
5. Work with Monroe County to market our region worldwide as a place to visit, live, and do business.